Title: The Parable of Lost Things
Speaker: Rev. Joel Kim
Scripture: Luke 15:1-10
Title: The Parable of Lost Things
Speaker: Rev. Joel Kim
Scripture: Luke 15:1-10
Title: The Parable of the Good and Bad Fish
Speaker: Rev. Joel Kim
Scripture: Matthew 13:47-50
Title: You Will Live Again Rise Again
Speaker: Rev. Sang Hyun Shim (Translated by Rev. Joel Kim)
Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1-12
Title: The Triumphal Entry
Speaker: Rev. Sebahn Hong
Scripture: Luke 19:28-44
Title: Called To Imitate And Be Imitated
Speaker: P. Daniel Lim
Scripture: Ephesians 4:17-5:2
Title: The Parable of Hidden But Valuable Things
Speaker: Rev. Joel Kim
Scripture: Matthew 13:44-46