Title: Waiting for the Holy Spirit with One Heart
Speaker: Rev. Sanghyun Shim (Trans. Pastor Daniel Lim)
Scripture: Acts 1:12-26
Title: Waiting for the Holy Spirit with One Heart
Speaker: Rev. Sanghyun Shim (Trans. Pastor Daniel Lim)
Scripture: Acts 1:12-26
Title: When the Holy Spirit Comes on You
Speaker: Rev. Sebahn Hong
Scripture: Acts 1:1-11
Title: No Regrets Only Redemption
Speaker: Rev. Joel Kim
Scripture: Luke 2:21-40
Title: The Manger: God’s Gift Box
Speaker: Rev. Joel Kim
Scripture: Luke 2:1-20
Title: The Annunciation of Christ
Speaker: Rev. Joel Kim
Scripture: Luke 1:26-45
Title: Small Group Evaluation
Speaker: Rev. Joel Kim
Scripture: 2 Samuel 11:1-17