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Sanghyun Shim

Senior Pastor, IN2 Church

Pastor Sanghyun Shim traces his Christian roots to a martyr’s family in the early stages of the Korean church. His great grand father accepted the Gospel in 1895 from E. F. McFarland, who was a Presbyterian missionary from the United States.

Pastor Shim loves the church and enjoys praising God by playing the guitar or piano. He cherishes the happiness from reading the Bible, from doubts to getting answers. He has a vision of Koreans and non-Koreans worshipping and spreading the gospel together in Manhattan like the original Antioch church from the Book of Acts as a guiding model.

He graduated from Dankook University and Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary. He served at Seoul Yongnak Presbyterian Church and Onnuri Church as a pastor. He then came to serve as a pastor at Onnuri Vision Churches in Santa Monica, New Jersey, and New York with his wife and two sons. Currently, he is serving as Senior Head Pastor of IN2 Church in New York City.

Pastor Joel KIm

Joel Kim

Lead Pastor, Crosswalk (IN2 Church EM)

Pastor Joel is an ordained minister in the Reformed Church in America (RCA). He was born in Korea, but moved to Canada at a young age where he grew up. In 2006, he came to New York to serve as Youth, EM pastor in Flushing, NY. He received his M.Div. from New Brunswick Theological Seminary. He has served as administrative director and worship leader for GKYM (Global Korean Young-Adult Mission) conferences and has actively been involved in mission trips to Kazakhstan, Haiti, and Native American reservations. He is married to Sori and they have two children, Jubilee and Micaiah.

Daniel Lim

College & Worship Pastor, Crosswalk

Pastor Daniel was born in a small town in Albertville, France, and grew up in Niger in West Africa where his parents were called as missionaries. His passions are praising God with songs of worship, learning from Scripture how all of God’s promises in the Old Testament were and will be fulfilled through Jesus Christ, and learning more deeply about God’s love in his family through his loving wife, Eunice, and his beautiful daughter, Eliya. He is currently an M.Div. candidate at Westminster Theological Seminary. Prior to responding to God’s call to a path of ministry, he worked as a corporate attorney in New York City.

Joo Lee

Next Gen. Pastor, Next Step / Dreamland

Pastor Joo grew up in a first generation Christian family and was a child who loved Jesus and her church. However, it was only after her high school years that she realized Jesus is the only way for salvation while she was praying for her sick father. Since then, God has poured His heart for lost souls into her heart. Following God’s heart and calling, she is now pursuing her M.Div. At Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. She also has a big heart for missions, as God showed His heart towards her friends who are from many different backgrounds and the need of Gospel in their homelands.

Before she started her study in the seminary, she studied Biology in her undergraduate. She was especially intrigued by how God created the world with an indescribable love and now, spreading His love to the world is her greatest joy.

Seonmi Kim

Next Gen. Pastor, First Step / Jesus Kids Sr.

Pastor Seonmi met God deeply in her prayers for her sick father when she was ten years old.  God extended her prayers for her father to prayers for the sick and poor and for those who do not know Christ.  

Raised in the church since childhood, to preach the gospel is her greatest joy.  She finds happiness meeting people and listening to stories of God’s grace.

She graduated from Presbyterian Theological Seminary with a Master of Theology in worship and preaching.  She is married to Seongguen, a fellow pastor, and together they have three children: Juhee (“delights in the Lord”), Juchan (“praises the Lord”), and Juhan (“the Kingdom of the Lord”).